This year we thought we would give you a "minute by minute" account of 2007 in one minute or less.
Hope your year was as eventful as ours!
2,190 diapers changed
71 days of Kindergarten
7 days at Hilton Head beach
365 bedtime stories
1,420 minutes riding the School Bus
185 hours playing at the pool
74 hours playing in the sprinkler
32 hours at T-Ball Games
32 hours coaching T-Ball
17 hours packing lunches
40 days in Alaska
10 hours at Soccer Games
175 hours at play group
590 hours at the gym
439 hours of playing cars
379 hours playing "guys" (army guys, superhero guys, pirate guys)
997 hours playing ball (throwing balls, dodging balls, getting hit by balls!)
189 trips to the grocery store
2,537 hours selling houses
1 hour writing this Christmas letter
5 attempts to take Christmas photo (funny how we ended up using the one in the chuch parking lot after the Ward Christmas Party)
8,760 hours thinking of each of you... You're always in our thoughts!
We hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season and a very Merry Christmas!
We love you all!
Love, Mike, KaLisi, Josh and Caleb