- Lion – This was Josh’s first school project crafted from styrofoam and pipe cleaners.
- #3 – Caleb turned 3 this year! He is quite the character and keeps us all laughing!
- Pacifier – Brooks was born October 3, 2008. He weighed 9 lbs. 11 oz, 21 inches long!
- 3 GI JOE guys – Mike is reliving his childhood by getting the boys into GI JOES!
- Key – KaLisi is in the Relief Society Pres., and finally got her own keys to the building.
- #7 – Josh will be turning 7 in January… he is a great big brother and helps out so much!
- Curious George – The theme of Caleb’s first “kid b-day party”.
- #2 – Brooks is in his 2nd month so far! He’s smiling, cooing and even laughing!
- Candy bar – Mike teaches Sunday School at our church and uses candy to bribe the kids.
- Vampire teeth – KaLisi’s recently read the Twilight Series… who knew vampires would be so interesting.
- Quarter – Josh has lost 2 teeth this year… and loves those visits from the tooth fairy!
- Paintbrush - Caleb loves to paint... he’s getting to be a pro at water colors.
- Watch – Brooks is sleeping through the night… 8-10 hours straight, and Mom feels great!
- CTR ring – Josh is a CTR in primary and is memorizing all the Articles of Faith.
- Sunglasses – Caleb will be entering Sunbeams in primary this January.
- #1 – Josh is in 1st grade this year with Mrs. Burke! He is reading, and loves school!
- Toothbrush – Caleb’s first visit to the dentist! He did great, and charmed the hygienists!
- Baseball – Josh did machine pitch baseball this fall and never struck out!
We have had a wonderful year and feel very blessed to have three
happy, healthy, boys that keep us busy!
We have loved hearing from all of you, our friends and family, and
hope that this finds you all happy and safe! And know that we
appreciate your love and friendship!
But most importantly, we’re grateful for this time of year to celebrate
the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and to enjoy the holiday season!
We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!
Love, The Trentadue’s
Mike, KaLisi, Josh, Caleb and Brooks