So I've been working on this project on and off again for about a week... and the past two days have been horrible! Trying to capture feelings of sadness, fear and boredom are not as easy as you might think. As soon as I snap a picture, the kids think they are done and run away. Little do they know that the lighting wasn't just right, so I have to readjust my camera and do it again. Then there's the issue of getting them to be serious and not laugh... to smile pleasantly, but not look creepy... and to just hold still! And how in the world do you communicate the word "taste" in a still photo? Really!
By the time I get paid for this, I'm going to breathe a huge sigh of relief... and think twice about involving my children in work. I've resorted to paying them with candy every time I finish the shot. The end result? They've had more sugar in 2 days then I even care to keep track of! (Maybe that's why they can't hold still!)
Yes, we've been spending a lot of time together... but in this case, quantity is NOT quality time. I've been barking... and they've been whining!
Right now they are out on their "break" enjoying the 65 degree weather... and I'm going to go take a shower! Hopefully we'll all still have our hair by the end of the day!
TAKE THE TEST: Guess the word which best describes each photo, (it could be an adjective, emotion or verb). Leave your answers in the "Comments", and be sure to check back on September 7th to get the results. The person with the most correct answers will win a $15 gift card to Walmart! It's THAT easy! GOOD LUCK!
A) ...emotion...
C)... adjective...
D)... verb...
E)... verb...
F)... verb...
A. Laughter
B. Remorse
C. Joy
D. Gluttony
E. Taste
F. Interest
OK, then please allow me to change my answers! :)
A. Satisfied
B. Remorse
C. Happy
D. T be gluttonous
E. To Taste
F. To Count
A. Sated
B. Sadness
C. Refreshed
D. To be ravenous
E. To dislike
F. To command
Joan said:
A. Ahhhh - I ate like a big dog
B. Wanting - Can I please have a puppy?
C. Cooled Off - Squirt me again!!
D. Chewing and chewing - I think I got too much at once.
E. Refreshing - on a hot summer day.
F. Counting - One, two, three...Mom, this one did a tootie. :)
JoLene said.....
A. Happy
B. Sad
C. Adorable
D. Pigging Out
E. Tasting
F. Counting