See, I've realized that they don't really get to play with their creations because they fall apart so easily, and end up in the "lego graveyard" (aka 3 giant plastic drawers) never to be seen again. So I took the advice of a friend and started the painful process of super-gluing a few favorites.
Eventually the boys lost interest... and the only remaining lego die-hard was yours truly. At one point I had to pee, but I was afraid I'd lose my focus, so I pushed on. I started getting hungry, but I perservered, until the boys brought me some granola bar scraps. I even ignored the taunting by my husband to give up.
It's now Monday afternoon, and I'm considering getting a good start on the hunt so they can build it when they get home. See, I'm a good mom... I simply hunt for the tiny pieces, so they can put it together. Although, for the record, it's killing me to wait... something about the need to finish a job.
But hey, our 12th anniversary is coming up... maybe I'll ask for a lego set!

This is how I would like to organize the legos... but the boys won't have it!